
Exploring the Technologies That Enable Reliable, Cost-Effective, and Completely Frictionless Shopping Experiences.
Photo of Store Infographic

Exploring the Shopper’s Journey in an Autonomous Store [Infographic]

80% of consumers rate speed and convenience as the top two most vital elements of a positive customer experience. What does this mean for the future of retail? The future of retail is autonomous. According to PwC, approximately 80% of consumers rate speed and convenience as the top two most...
Photo of Autonomous Stores

Seeing is Believing: An Introduction to Computer Vision Technology for Autonomous Stores

As the development of autonomous stores expands across the globe in convenience stores, stadiums, arenas, grocery stores, and other spaces, it's no surprise that the use of computer vision is also expanding. Autonomous stores rely on a variety of technologies to enable customers to shop without the need for cashiers...
Photo of Self Checkout Systems

The Battle of Convenience: Checkout Free vs. Self-Checkout Systems

Both checkout free and self-checkout solutions aim to make shopping faster and more convenient, sure. But they operate in very different ways. Which begs the question: is one better than the other? As the human world merges more closely with technology, the way humans live changes. And the way we...
Photo of Autonomous Stores

Opening Doors for All: The Importance of Accessibility in Autonomous Stores

Easy access and convenience are two top priorities for autonomous stores, which raises the question: what inclusive solutions do autonomous stores offer to provide accessibility for all people? The rise of autonomous stores, where customers can shop without interacting with a salesperson, has led to a new set of challenges...
Photo of C-Store

How AI Tech is Bringing the Ease of E-Commerce to Brick-and-Mortar C-Stores

With advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology, retailers are finding new ways to bridge the gap between physical and digital shopping experiences. Enter autonomous shopping experiences. Today's brick-and-mortar retail shops and c-stores are struggling to keep up with the convenience and personalization offered by e-commerce giants. In an age where...
Photo of Shop With Customer

Guarding Customer Identity: The Importance of Biometric Data Privacy in Autonomous Stores

79% of Americans are concerned about how companies use their data. Autonomous stores offer customers a seamless shopping experience without the need for human interaction. In recent years, these cashierless stores have become increasingly popular. Simultaneously, there is an increase in concerns over data privacy in store and on the...
Photo of Fan Satisfaction

Maximizing Fan Satisfaction: 3 Reasons Why Frictionless Checkout is Crucial at Stadiums

From long lines to outdated payment methods, checking out can be a significant source of friction for fans. As sports fans, we all love the excitement and thrill of being at a live game, but the checkout process at retail and convenience stores inside the stadium can often be a...
Photo of Customer

Cashierless Stores: The Next Big Thing or a Passing Fad? What Amazon Go’s 8-Store Closure Tells Us

Are cashierless stores dying out before they've ever truly gotten their day in the sun? Short answer: Absolutely not. Approximately 67% of U.S. adults that have used cashierless checkout are interested in continuing to use the technology in the future. Which is why the recent news that Amazon is closing...
Photo of Store

AiFi’s 100th Store Milestone Proves Autonomous Retail is Here to Stay

As AiFi celebrates the launch of its 100th store with Zabka in Poland, we mark a major milestone in our mission to revolutionize retail. This achievement proves that autonomous retail isn't just a trend, it is here to stay as retailers continue to see the positive benefits to both revenue...

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